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Braybrook Primary Academy

Reach for the stars!

Curriculum at Braybrook

Braybrook Curriculum

We want children and adults at Braybrook Primary Academy to be happy; learning and growing in a safe environment which values the whole person.

At our school:

We respect everyone, promote teamwork and co-operation and celebrate individuals’ successes.

We provide creative learning experiences that engage and inspire all learners to be the best that they can be.


By the time they leave us in Yr 6, we want all children to have developed the skills and attributes to be:

Independent and successful learners.

Happy, healthy and confident individuals.

Responsible and caring citizens.


It is this vision and these values which underpin and inform our school curriculum and the learning opportunities through which we inspire and engage our learners, in preparation for their future lives.

At Braybrook Primary Academy, we believe that a successful curriculum must be built upon high-quality teaching and inspirational learning opportunities, which allow children to learn in a way that motivates and interests them.


For further information, why not explore our curriculum and its exciting learning opportunities through:

  • the curriculum newsletters, published online.
  • exploring the gallery of photographs, which celebrate our love of learning.
  • arranging a visit to our school to see us in action.