PE & Sports Premium Funding
The PE and Sports Premium Grant is a government initiative which is allocated to all schools, to support in improving the quality of the PE and sports provision that they offer their pupils. We received and effectively allocate funding, in order to enhance the frequency, breadth and quality of our PE provision at Braybrook Primary Academy.
Since the London Olympics of 2012, the Government has sought to ensure that this legacy continues through investing in the younger generation and their potential sporting stars of the future. Therefore, when spending the funding we have been sure to take into account a number of factors, to ensure that this legacy is continued and has a lasting impact.
The attachments below detail the ways in which the funding has been allocated and the impact that this has had on our PE and sports provision at Braybrook Primary Academy.
This has enabled us to provide specialist and enhanced provision and opportunities for all pupils during class sessions, as well as further developing our after-school clubs provision. It has allowed children to experience new sports and to develop new skills that link in with the new PE Curriculum. Staff have also had access to training in order to build upon their own skills, subject knowledge and leadership of this curriculum area.